CHECK OUT THIS RARE SHOT Anu gives the VERY SIAN closed eye look! Apparently she teaches with the same legendary style woahz
Diedie was feeling retardded...
While papa felt horny in the LT. Eh no.. Disgusting i mean. So sorry if got vomit out all your food
Then abit sian. So go KAP eat lor.
Next day.. Tues..
Close eyed singing. Mikeless this time la.
Gygi yibian eat hawtdog yibian enjoy the yanchanghui
Even Mr ong is happy with poplarity
Back to lesson, Mr Ong attempted pulling down the projector screen. Pulled so hard till it sounded quite loud. And made Annie the AVrep scream Mok laughing at Mr ong pulling the screen with such force
Gygi using Mengge's answers to get chocolate. Now we know why she got so many la.
Shuzong your hair is sibei nice la.
HUH REALLY? I think so too.
Until he realised that tantalisyn was sitting at the side tantalisingly liu.kou.shui
He decided to take it on his own life. Easy la jinlong. You still have your ahlian - regina
Our jap friends sat there laughing..
While professor mok and cheap labour-assistant tim played pool during chemistry
And wenmu^3 experimenting some new china brain technology aft the prev time of head-to-head information transfer failed to be fully efficient
Next Day... Even weirder...
Darling, love you! Eat my Aixin mianbao.
Wah lao. Whats with the thumbs up?
altho behind every successful man is a zhai woman, but then everytime only show zhuoxuan's back oso not too nice rite?
LIFENG! Daniao climb onto their heads already u still don care?
We play handphone game with jap tomodachi
And dan-san juggled balls LIVE! what greatness la
There was new Qiaoen-Gongqing scandal..
After class we super hungry. go eat prata. got interesting events!
PLEASE REMEMBER the approx positions of the love triangle before continuing. This facilitates your understanding when u see the eye/head/body positions of the 3 later on
Blink blink glitter glitter. regina trying to shock jinlong with her charm
"Look what look. eat your food la" Jinlong tells the person to his left in the meanest tone i eva heard. Srsly.
Poor lisyn. Now suffering from yesterday conflict la. Even have to eat prata on bench now
Sigh. Couples' squibble. Helps strengthen the dr/dt. relationship over time. Please rem!
NEXT DAY. Alvl holidays. A few of us going to mama house. Mug+play session
To quote mark. Zinger is amazingest!
Jinlong boards bus with yanqi
Lisyn. you poor thing! Seems like r/s takes time to heal.
Why not learn a lesson from us?
Finally. At the zai villa
Lisyn decided to be a hua chi. Literally
So we mugged...
And sang KTV..
While there was still something bewtween yanqi and jinlong. [yanqi! lisyn is not transparent!]
But guess they finally patched up! Yays! sings together!
SUPER SPECIAL! "Wu Ding" by all of us
CLICK HERE for vid@youtube if load frm this small screen is choppy.
---------------------------------------------------- now, i see this spray. its looks like, purple line. gotta introduce myself!
Monday, March 24, 2008
I was in the process of doing Chemical Bonding tutorial until i decided to give up and add on to the class blog archive. OMG why is Chemistry so crazy? I bet you geniuses out there -stares at TimTay- are laughing at my statement, i cannot understand how you geniuses out there can eat Chem like a piece of cake, it is unimaginable.
Anytime, anywhere and under any condition i would prefer Physics man! Chem is like totally cannot visualise and god knows what bonds these tiny particles that you cannot even see which you call molecules have? Ok, enough of Chem flaming before it starts to get oxidised.
By the way, let me focus this post on the newest class scandal: Do you agree that the Newest Class Scandal is true?
Yes, I agree to a large extent.
A series of photographs taken by Leon Ho on the Latest Class Scandal.
Oh my tian!? What is the credibility of the source? Photographs, as we know, are primary sources, hence, extremely useful in proving the photographer's stand. From the provenance of the source, we know that the photographer is Leon Ho, a famous stalker notorious of stealthily stalking people, especially girls by the nickname of Mayonnaise and Soybean, hence, what he managed to capture would be the true situation of what is happening at that point of time between TanLisyn and HuangJinLong.
In the first photograph, JinLong's head is approaching Lisyn's, who is looking down shyly. From this, we can infer that tey are going for a kiss, but that could not be proven as the actual photograph of them kissing is absent. However, it is still useful as it shows us how JinLong's head is succumbing to Lisyn's intermolecular forces.
In the 2nd photograph, we can see that their heads are slightly more apart while Lisyn was still looking down shyly. From that, we can infer that they just finished with whatever they did, hence, showing there is indeed an intimate relation between TanLisyn and HuangJinLong.
Lisyn: BAKA! If I have a Death Noth, I would write in "Annie"! GRR! JM: Haha is Anastasia lah Lisyn! *shakes her head and smile off*
Photograph and caption by Dominic the CT rep.
Source B is useful in telling us about the New Class Scandal. From the provanance of the source, we know that Dominic the CT rep 办事效率高,以服务大众为己任 hence, his purpose would be to inform the class of the daily happenings, hence, extremely reliable. Source B shows JinLong and Annie having a casual chat, however, TanLisyn (beside JM) is staring at them with her killer eyes, mixed with jealousy and hatred. On closer observation, Dominic managed to capture the invisible lightning of fury released from TanLisyn's eyes, directing at Annie, as if sending an Infrared Ray over to Annie, warning her not to steal her love. TongZi also pointed at his own shocked expression when he saw Lisyn's reaction.
From this, we can see that Lisyn is jealous whenever JinLong talks to other girls, hence, we can infer that she eyes for JinLong, however, this source is not useful in the sense that it does not show us JinLong's view point on the issue.
Photograph of Chen Zehong singing a song.
Source C is self explanatory. ZeHong always regarded TanLisyn as his "princess" and proclaimed to be her ideal boyfriend as he is 13cm taller than her. From the picture, we can see that Zehong is extremely sad and lost when he heard about the New Class Scandal. From simple derivation and lipreading, we shall relive the moment.
ZeHong: Princess 不要离我而去!黄金龙...每一段路,都是一种领悟~!不要~~
From this, we can conclude that Zehong is sadded by Lisyn's action. What actions can cause such distress in ZeHong? There can be only one possibility, that the New Class Scandal is true! =O
Interesting week of events - PART 2
Friday, March 21, 2008
Part 2 is dedicated to the East Coast Park trip
Everyone was happy and positive! Smile smile.
Until the rain came and poor yanqi had to play scissors paper stone with tantalisyn.
But alas, rain had to stop. And so 6v boarded the bus!
Here, we can see Profesxor Mok and his apprentice Tim. He's in the midst of formulating his newest one min to EastCoast theory.
Ánd so we arrived.
Cidong seemed shocked by the magnitude of the littering
And so cleanup began..
We had our own share of fun atop the breakwater
Bimeng carried the trash bag japanese styled
The police cars combed the park in intervals of 5.0 ± 0.1 seconds.
Ouxiang and papa were feeling like kraab.
And perhaps hungry until papa started eating wildberries.
Finally the lunch came in the orange squared thing.
And we ate rather romantically, looking out at the sea.
Went cycling and blading after the official stuff ended.
Gygi was disgusted by the super moist insides of the wheeled shoe.
We trained for the NAPFA test pullups,
Did Flying ANNIE.dua kicks that even shuzong cannot pull off,
And even upside down hanging acrobatics that markcheng wouldnt have done during his sec1 days..
We organised a trek to the bus stop at Bedok south Ave 1 through some guailan underpass and some forested road that even OAC cannot compare to
And witnessed how the internationally acclaimed strategist Mark Selamat plot his way into bombing the S'pore Flyer onboard Bus 48 on the way to Bugis junction